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As many of you know by now, the Grenada City Council recently removed the Grenada Confederate Monument. Mississippi State Law is very clear about the requirements for any municipality that is relocating a monument. The law states, “The governing body may move the memorial to a more suitable location if it is determined that the location is more appropriate to displaying the monument.” After the Council voted to relocate the monument, it was arranged and offered to have the monument placed in the Confederate section of the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Grenada. The Council ignored this offer, even after hearing pleas at a public meeting from locals and state officials. Instead, the Council voted to move the Monument to a location in the woods behind a fire station south of town, with no road or path leading to the location. The law is clear. A more appropriate location was offered and turned down in favor of a less appropriate location. This willful disregard for Mississippi Law came after the Council illegally covered the Monument up for four years. Again, Mississippi Law states, “None of the following items (War Between the States Monuments), structures, or areas may be relocated, removed, disturbed, altered, renamed or rededicated” Keeping the Monument covered was another blatant disregard for Mississippi Law and a slap in the face of not only the residents, but of every descendant of someone who sacrificed themselves for military service. People want action taken, and we want to help. If you would like to donate for legal expenses, we need your help. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Help us do something. Help us help the people of Grenada. Donate today.


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Mississippi Division SCV

108 County Road 5131

Booneville, MS 38829




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